Film 4 Meeting 2014 – L.A. CONVENTION

The first network for young italian talents that work and live in Los Angeles happens this may

Los Angeles gives input (and occupation) to hundreds of professional in the cinema every day, one city that is both a symbol of a million dollar industry and the home of independent movement: our goal is to create within this reality an operation that will give life to a “social” meeting can unite young talents and professionals in the “Hollywood” independent film industry, in a direct and positive confrontations between a new and “old” school.

Simone Bracci, Director of Film 4 Life , is planning a new kind of kermesse: two days of meetings and roundtables, that contrary to other historical evening of networking or to a Festival, like other existing in the territory, will be the occasion to real participation to a cultural debate on the current status of the italian cinema in the United State, both on a production and artistic level.

The event is aimed to valorize our young talents and to do so we can count on local businesses interested in the high visibility of the event.

Film 4 Meeting – L.A. Convention will involve local authority and italian government representative. The sponsorship of the italian consulate in Los Angeles, the Film Trade Commission and the italian institution of culture will be required. Beneficiaries of the initiative, along with representatives of the competition, will be professionals, industry professionals, curious and passionate about cinema as a public participant.

The italian cinema brand Film 4 Life is a full operating web agency what work to promote the young italian talents in the us film industry. Our convention wants to create the connection and a new cinema network between these two countries, working with the young professionists of the independent or mainstreaming industry, in return of the paid sponsor we offer ADVERTISING during the day even through media press kit, banner, press releases of the brand involved and the logo in every communication’s report.


About Redazione Film4Life 5831 Articoli
Film 4 Life è una web magazine costituita da una redazione giovane e dinamica che si occupa di promozione, diffusione e comunicazione del cinema.
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